My Friends wanna sell his motor bike.If you looking a motor bike and you location in medan,sumut (indonesia)
and you interested with it,try to call him.His motor bike is Honda Gl pro neo tech engine,and still original spare part.
Irsan gl pro neotec engine - Medan
* Location: Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia
* Address : Jl.Pancing II
* Date Posted: 16/01/2011
* Phone: 081397026384
* Price: $ 938 ( Rp.8.500.000,-)
* Payment: Cash and Delivery
On sale:
- GL Pro Neotech 1996
- Condition manicured, smooth, ready-made, original, oil tank no leaks, new seats.
- suitable for younger children and parents
- rarely used
- luggage items are still incomplete in store
- BPKB second hand
- BK terrain
- Over the standard size 0 (still original)
- Price 8.5 million (still can nego)
- please hub 081397026384 (no sms, call only)
Gl Pro Neotech Engine for sell
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